Online Giving

We've upgraded our online giving system!

We have exciting news! LifePoint has changed our online giving service to ShelbyNext.  
We are providing this option to serve as an alternative to cash or check donations. You can still give through traditional methods, but you can now make one-time or recurring gifts online with an electronic check.
Give Online
1. To create your account use the “Sign In” and create your account with the “Create One” link at the bottom of the page.

2. Use the “One-time” link to make a one-time donation. Use the fund drop-down box and choose the fund you want to donate to. Click the "Add Donation" button to give to an additional fund type.

3. Use the “Recurring” link to set up recurring donations. Use the fund drop-down box(s) to set up your donation, then set up the frequency of your gift and the start date. Don’t forget to hit the “Submit” button once you have completed the setup.

4. You will receive an email confirmation for your gifts to LifePoint.

Designating Funds:

You can choose where you would like your funds to go. If you are writing a check, please include the fund on the memo line. When giving online, please choose the correct fund from the drop-down menu. You can specify amounts to more than one fund in the same transaction using the "Add Donation" button. Please indicate whether you would like your dollars put towards our...