Growing Together in our relationship with Jesus

Life Groups

How do I sign up?

If you would like to connect with a Life Group, please click here to fill out a Life Group Interest Form.

If you are interested in leading a Life Group, contact for more information.


Mission and Philosophy of Life Groups

God created us to be in relationship with Him and with others.  At LifePoint Church, we believe that the Christian life is meant to be lived in community.  Relationships provide opportunities to come alongside others in exploring, learning, and discerning the truth of God's Word, applying it to our lives and exercising the biblical principle of accountability.  Relationships like this help us grow towards maturity in Christ.

LIfePoint’s mission is to grow together in our relationship with Jesus Christ by:

  • Proclaiming the good news of God's love to all people.
  • Creating environments where people are encouraged and equipped to pursue intimacy with God, community with each other, and influence in the world.
  • Striving toward maturity in the Word.

We believe Life Groups provide an environment to live out this mission.