Jym Shorts

Jym Shorts - October 25, 2018

by Jym Gregory on October 25, 2018

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. -2 Timothy 3:16-17

God teaches us in the verses above that his word is sufficient for EVERY good work. God’s word has the answers for every sin struggle and every trial we are facing in the present, we have faced in the past, or we will face in the future.

Simply put, God tells us in his word that the wisdom of the world is foolishness. God is our Creator. As God and Creator of all, he knows the answers we need. He has given us those answers in his word. There is no need to look elsewhere.

We all, at times, struggle in our lives as Christians. The apostle Paul struggled with sin (Romans 7:14-25) and with the circumstances of life (2 Corinthians 1:3-11).

Yet, when we apply the word of God by faith in the power of the Holy Spirit we glorify God in any and every sin struggle and any and every trial. That is an encouraging truth!

Not only has God blessed us with his sufficient word, he has also blessed us with the local church. God has given the church the responsibility and privilege of discipleship (Ephesians 4:11-16). God did not give this responsibility and privilege to anyone else.

Biblical counseling, which is a form of discipleship, is to occur in the church where there is biblical fellowship, accountability, and is conducted under the oversight of the elders.  

God has blessed LifePoint with seven trained biblical counselors who serve in our Soul Care Ministry. Our Soul Care Ministry consists of four men and three women.

LifePoint’s biblical counselors seek to lovingly minister the Scriptures to help people glorify God in their thoughts, words, and actions in any and every area of life and in every conceivable circumstance.

Soul Care is relational, intensive, gospel-centered discipleship that focuses on treasuring Christ above all! For when we treasure Christ and the gospel above all, we begin to apply the truth that helps us in our specific sin struggles and helps us to glorify God in our trials and sufferings.

We really believe that the Bible is true when it says, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). First and foremost, we believe the Bible is sufficient because God, who cannot lie, declares that his word is sufficient. We also believe that the Bible is sufficient because we and others have found it to be so in our own lives.

Many LifePoint members, attenders and some from the community have found through meeting with one of our trained biblical counselors that God’s word is truly sufficient for their struggles. When these people have sought change primarily for the glory of God and have applied his truth in the power of the Holy Spirit they have been transformed by God’s grace. I encourage you to seek biblical counseling through our Soul Care Ministry for your sin struggles and in your trials. 

I and the others who serve in biblical counseling are to counsel ourselves before we counsel others. We are to be completely dependent upon God for any change that takes place in our own lives or in the lives of those whom we counsel. When we do see God change lives, we must give him all the glory!

Please pray for our biblical counselors and those we counsel.

If you would like to request Soul Care/Biblical Counseling please contact the church office at 317.881.4010 to receive an intake form to fill out and return to Debbie. You can also find the intake form on the church’s website when you click on Biblical Counseling page.  

Pastor Tony Guinn oversees the Soul Care Ministry. Debbie Oakley serves as the Soul Care Administrator.

Blessings to you all,

Pastor Tony

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