Jym Shorts

Jym Shorts - November 17, 2016

by Jym Gregory on November 17, 2016

Many of you have now endured two of my articles and one sermon dealing with false teaching. I have had many constructive comments in return, and not a few questions and requests for either more information or clarifications, or both. As I said Sunday, not one person has been mean-spirited or argumentative with me. That, I believe, is a clear sign of the health of our church family (I acknowledge, of course, that there may be some who are upset who have chosen not to speak with me about their concerns). So, to put a final touch on the subject, at least for now, I thought I would simply sum up some of my thoughts in simple statements. You may find that you disagree with me on some points. That is okay. I may find at some point in the future that I have changed my thoughts in some areas, so this list is not intended to be “Pastor Jym’s final word on false teaching” that must be accepted by all. Here it goes…

1. I believe that God still speaks. I think his speaking is primarily through his revealed word to us (the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments). I believe that the Holy Spirit can, and does, help us discern truth from error, guides us in decision making, and that we may, at times, “feel” strongly that a certain act, response, or word is from God. I always think we should check our impressions against the word of God. “I feel it” is not synonymous with “God said it.”

2. I believe God still moves in miraculous ways in our world. I think he still heals people. I think he continues to speak to us in his two books, the book of creation and the book of his word. I believe he uses other people in our lives to teach us, convict us, encourage us, and remind us to look to him (among other things). I believe that men and women who claim to be able to heal like the apostles of Jesus, or speak with the same authority, are either misguided or deceptive, or both. I believe it is okay and even necessary that we should ask people to verify their claims to miracles or directives from God, and that asking for verification does not mean we are quenching the Spirit or that we are not “Spirit-filled” (Gal. 1:8-9; 1 Thess. 5:20-21; 1 John 2:18; 4:1; Gal. 1:8-9).

3. I believe that genuine Christians can be sincerely wrong. I know that speaking in public as a profession will always give ample opportunities for people to knit-pick and parse out everything that is said, and in almost every instance, find some things that were said to be questionable. I do not think we should roast every popular Christian speaker or author. However, I do believe that when one takes upon themselves the office of teacher, they must expect and accept more scrutiny, and they should never utilize their popularity and their platform to squelch every question about their teaching by dismissing it as a “witch-hunt” or “sour grapes” (James 3:1).

4. Finally, I believe that I still have much to learn about God. Your lead pastor (Jym Gregory, who is finite and created) does not have the final word concerning your God and Savior (who is infinite and the creator of all things). With that being said, we must be careful! There is much false teaching out there that is being passed off as deep, theological, and ground-breaking, when in fact it is unbiblical, and therefore by definition – false, and geared toward allowing us to do and be whatever makes us happy or fulfilled, while leading people away from the God who has revealed himself to us fully in his word. Be careful of those who claim a specific word for you from God, make much of their visions and dreams, or tell you that God has things for you, or wants things for you, that you cannot find anywhere in the Scriptures. Use your best judgment, and let a solid Biblical worldview be your guide.

Want additional help? I suggest going deeper in the word so that you can test teachings with more precision. We continue to offer our Plan and Promise study on both Sundays and Wednesdays. Our Fellows Ministry is a great opportunity to be challenged and go deeper in your faith. Our Children’s and Youth Ministries are solid teaching ministries for younger folks. For you ladies who are free during the day, Mary Ann Demott teaches an excellent, in-depth study on Thursday mornings here at the church. Life Groups are a great place to both connect and grow in your faith. Bible Study Fellowship is a great resource outside of LifePoint. Asking an older Christian to disciple you for a period of time is always worth the effort as well.

On a completely different note, please keep in mind that we have a Thanksgiving Service planned for Tuesday evening, November 22, at 7:00pm (childcare is provided for infant thru 2 years old). We will gather together for about an hour, worship in song, and hear a few testimonies from some of our friends here in the church. If you are in town, please worship with us!

Grace and peace,

Pastor Jym

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