Jym Shorts

Jym Shorts - July 13, 2017

by Jym Gregory on July 13, 2017

…things we have heard and known, that our fathers have told us. We will not hide them from the children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD, and his might, and the wonders that he has done. -Psalm 78:3-4

Last Sunday evening we met with the parents of our high school students to discuss the upcoming year. In our culture, the middle school and high school years are important developmentally, whether a student is educated publicly, privately, or at home. There is an important task laid upon the shoulders of the church to come alongside parents of students, to help prepare them for the world of work or college where they will set out, often on their own for the first time, there to confront a world that offers many opportunities but few expectations, and even less accountability.

I did not grow up with a father who taught Biblical stories and precepts to his children. I learned many things from both my father and mother, but Biblical training was not one of them. When Dedra and I started having children, we began the practice of family devotions under the influence of some Christian friends. It was new to both of us, so we simply did our best. Our devotions were mainly reading Bible stories and praying, which is actually a great place to start – and even end. Over time we developed more teaching practices, and I incorporated some readings in addition to the Scriptures (Little Pilgrims Progress, The Chronicles of Narnia, Little House on the Prairie, The Boxcar Children, even The Hobbit) and used those stories to draw out both Biblical and moral lessons. In time they memorized Scripture, the Nicene Creed, some basic Biblical facts, some lessons from the Westminster Shorter Catechism, Luther’s Shorter Catechism, the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, etc. Pretty simple really, but our children learned to see me as the leader of the home and the primary teacher of Scripture and the Christian life. In addition to that, we now have memories of countless hours of praying, reading, and just plain being together. It continues to be what I miss most about the days when our daughters were little.

I know that I harp on devotions. This is my second newsletter article addressing the idea in the past three months. I know it, and yet I keep doing it because I believe they are so vitally important. The same principles for family devotions apply to our own personal devotions as well. So once again, here is my advice if devotions, personal or family, are not a part of your Christian disciplines yet. Start slow, reading one chapter out of a gospel each devotion time and simply talking about what you read is a great start. Find someone who is older in the faith and ask them for advice. Find a good, useful devotional to guide you if you need help. There are numerous good ones available. Use the questions from the message notes if you want to make a connection to Sunday mornings. Getting going is the hardest part, keeping going can be a struggle sometimes too, but soon it will become a wonderful discipline in your life and/or the life of your family.

Not all of you are a part of a traditional family. I realize how difficult it can be to start a devotional life when you are a single parent, have a child with special needs, or even when you are single adult. God isn’t caught off guard by your life situation, he knows about it. Pray, seek wise counsel, and simply do your best. Two devotions a week are better than none when you are just getting going. Do not let guilt sidetrack you. Our enemy loves to keep you away from Scripture and quiet times with God – he loves chaos and commotion. When he fails at that, he is happy to make you feel guilty for missing those times in the hopes that you will throw in the towel. Moving forward is moving forward, even if the progress is slow; do not fall for his lies.

Devotions are vital to your spiritual health, and the spiritual health of your family. This is one of our primary visions at LifePoint, to equip each other for ministry and to equip parents to teach their children in the ways of the Lord. Single, divorced, married, widowed, young or old, regardless of your station in life, God is waiting to meet you in the quiet part of each day.

Grace and peace,

Pastor Jym

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